Our Classes

Shala Yoga classes are inspired by a diverse range of yoga and movement disciplines. We believe yoga is for everybody, and celebrate all styles of yoga to advance your practice. During our open level classes, our goal is to share the teachings in a way that helps every student find what makes sense to them in their practice. You can join both Heated and Non Heated classes with us.

Slow Flow

Our beginners friendly/open level Slow Flow class invites you to move more slowly, mindfully and with purpose. Due to the slower nature of this class, you'll practice around half the poses you might explore in our Flow classes, giving you more time to explore the intricacies of a shape or transition. Enjoy moments of challenge and moments of softness, as you hold poses for longer and deeper. Use the extra time to come into safer alignment and feel into a shape with more presence. Build greater body mind connection and improve your stability, strength, flexibility and mindfulness. Let the slow pace invite a greater sense of peace and calm. This is a 60 minute class.


Our beginners friendly/open level Flow class is centred around deep breathing to generate your own internal heat. Be guided through thoughtful and dynamic sequences that vary in pace to challenge body, mind and spirit. Strengthen and lengthen your muscles and joints whilst exploring your full range of motion. Release tension and stress to create space in the body and mind for growth and transformation. You’ll receive lots of cues to help you move into the postures safely and with confidence. Leave class feeling blissed out and connected. Classes are non-judgemental and non-competitive with modifications offered. Awaken to your true potential and explore all you can be. This is a 60 minute class.

Power Flow

Advance your practice with our all-encompassing Power Flow class, best suited to regular or intermediate students. These classes build on our Flow classes, and include various strengthening, core and cardio boosters, as well as opportunities to explore more advanced postures and transitions to further develop your strength, flexibility, mobility and endurance. Some aspects of this class may seem difficult at first, but the only way to grow is to try, so leave your ego at the door and come with an open mind. Feel stronger, revitalised, energised and empowered in your body, mind and heart. No need to heat the room, we’ll raise our internal furnace throughout the practice. This is a 60 minute class.

Warm Flows

We love staying warm, especially in the winter months. That’s why we add warmth to some of our classes on our timetable when it’s cold, wet and miserable outside. We invite you to ignite your flow by practicing in a warmed room, heated to approximately 30 degrees celsius and find more freedom in your flow. The heat warms your muscles and connective tissues faster, so you can cultivate greater strength, mobility and flexibility, challenge your endurance, focus and coordination, reduce stagnation, and detoxify and purify the body, mind and spirit. Classes are inclusive and non-competitive with modifications offered to allow everyone to get the most from the moment. Expect to get extra sweaty!!! Bring a towel and water bottle. Check out our ‘Flow’ and ‘Power Flow’s’ regular class description for specific detail. These classes are 60 minutes.

Hot Yoga

From the Ghosh/Bikram lineage, our beginners friendly/open level Hot Yoga class follows 26 postures and two breathing exercises. It follows a set sequence that works every muscle, ligament, joint, and tendon in the body. Hot Yoga is great for grounding the body and mind through the breath and precise anatomical alignment. This practice has many benefits including increased strength and flexibility, detoxifying the body, enhancing blood circulation, improving posture, increasing energy and concentration, reducing stress and increasing a sense of wellbeing and happiness. A slower paced Hatha based practice, it's performed in a room heated to approximately 38 degrees celsius. Bring a water bottle and towel. This is a 60 minute class.


Begin your yoga practice with Shala Yoga and discover the fundamental principles and philosophy of yoga. During these classes, you'll be introduced to the breath, the sun salutations and various yoga postures and transitions, suitable for beginners, so you feel more confident as you embark on your yoga journey. You'll be guided through step-by-step verbal descriptions and demonstrations. Emphasis is placed on student understanding, safety and stability. If you've never tried yoga this class is perfect for you, and we encourage you attend it regularly until you become more familiar with the practice. More established yogis may also enjoy this class to dive deeper into the why. This is a 60 minute class.


Still the body and still the mind. Our beginners friendly/open level Yin class invites you to 'be with yourself' as you hold a series of floor postures with the support of props for up to 5 minutes. Yin accesses the body's connective tissues, including ligaments, tendons and fascia to release deep layers of physical, emotional and energetic tension. It is rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine and invites you to mindfully surrender to discomfort to rebalance the flow of energy within, which encourages greater flexibility, optimal health and wellbeing, whilst helping you to feel more grounded and at ease. Be comfy, wear loose warm clothing and bring a blanket. This is a 60 minute class.


The perfect end of week practice, helping you turn all that busyness into stillness. Restore is our dedicated class to embrace the power of rest. You are invited to slow down and open your body through passive stretching supported by props. Expect little movement at all, as you'll only explore a few postures during the class. Connect with the meditative nature of this practice as you tune into sensation, thought and breath. Suitable for all levels. This is a 60 minute class.

Yin Yang Nidra 75

End your weekend in total bliss! Our beginners friendly/open level Yin Yang class takes you on a nourishing journey from movement (yang) to stillness (yin). You’ll start the practice with a warming hatha flow to awaken, strengthen and energise the body. Then you’ll slow things right down with some juicy long holds to release and soothe layers of tension from the body and mind. Finally, you’ll enter into a deeper state of relaxation with the powerful practice of Yoga Nidra, or ‘yogic sleep’. This class is designed to help you feel more grounded, revitalised and restored, so you're ready for the week ahead! This is a 75 minute class.

Myoyin Yang Nidra 75

End your weekend in total bliss! Our beginners friendly/open level Myoyin Yang Nidra class takes you on a nourishing journey from movement (yang) to stillness (myoyin). You’ll start the practice with a warming hatha flow to awaken, strengthen and energise the body. Then you’ll slow things right down with some juicy long holds coupled with myoyin balls to release and soothe layers of tension from the body and mind. Finally, you’ll enter into a deeper state of relaxation with the powerful practice of Yoga Nidra, or ‘yogic sleep’. This class is designed to help you feel more grounded, revitalised and restored, so you're ready for the week ahead! This is a 75 minute class.


Myoyin yoga blends yin yoga poses with myofascial release (MFR) techniques. Myoyin yoga works with the Fascia (connective tissue that surrounds muscles and organs), combining yin yoga poses with MFR techniques to apply ‘good’ stress to targeted areas of the body. The practice consists of longer holds, slow, deep stretches and sustained pressure on target areas. Benefits of the practice include increased range of motion, reduced tension, reduced muscle soreness, improved posture, reduced stress, emotional release and enhanced relaxation. Best suited for anyone looking to release tightness and restore balance in both body and mind. This is a 60 minute class.

Community Mantra & Song Jam

Let's raise the vibration through mantra and song! This is a safe space to gather together before selected Flow/osophy classes to explore mantra and heart songs together. An informal get together of voices. Shala's doors are open to everyone to join our singing circle jam and feel the good vibes. The invitation is also open for anyone in our community to introduce a mantra or song to the group or lead a song. Instruments are welcome too! This is a 30 minute class but you are welcome to come at any time. We will move directly into Flow/osophy after the jam.


Join Mars on a Friday morning during our weekly flow class that weaves yoga philosophy and spiritual teachings into the practice. Explore ideas from key yogic texts and spiritual teachers including the Yoga Sutras, the Bhagavad Gita, the Buddha and more. This class is designed to broaden your understanding of yoga beyond the asana and help you live a more radiant and enriched yogic life. Challenge your mind, perception and awareness. Invite more acceptance, joy and love and kindness into your life. This is a 60 minute class.

Mens Yoga 45

This Men's Only Yoga Class is designed for men to continue working on their physical and mental health at any age. Build strength, balance and range of motion by working through accessible yoga poses tailored towards men’s needs. Incorporate breathing techniques to strengthen lungs and provide mental clarity. Further enhance these attributes by combining poses into sequences that can be practiced daily. This is a 45min class.

Practicing yoga has become a ritual for me. It’s how I start most days and I love it. At Shala Yoga there’s always a variety of classes on offer and the teachers are amazing.
